Chapter Celebrates 123rd Independence Day

KOR Firenze / Eventi / Chapter Celebrates 123rd Independence Day
The 123rd Philippine Independence Day was commemorated by the Knights of Rizal – Firenze Chapter with a simple outdoor flag ceremony, wreath-laying and awarding ceremony at the Cantina Melini in Gaggiano, Siena in Tuscany.
Chapter Commander Sir Dennis Reyes, KCR presided over the event and spoke of the difficult times brought by COVID to the chapter’s members and the Filipino community and was thankful to share the fellowship of the knights and their family and friends after more than a year of hardship and distance from each other. Despite the recent challenges, he praised the members for continuing to carry out their activities.

Chapter Commander Sir Dennis Reyes, KCR, addressing the gathering

To learn more about the awarding ceremonies and past activities reported read more here:

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